Vision Coach Training & Certification
Overview of Vision Coach Training
6-Month Training
Check back for next offering or let us know of your interest
Schedule -- Vision Coach Training
Feb 1 - Jul 26, 2023 - current class as an example
All 24 live classes are on Wednesdays
Europe-friendly class times: latest class ends at 7:30 pm CET
- Live Zoom classes Wednesdays, Feb 1 - July 26*
- No class - Mar 29 and May 31 - skip these weeks
- Take up to 3 more months (thru October) to complete your supported practice client sessions
- We have an active group of Vision Coach grads who meet for a monthly check-in and weekly sessions to practice techniques together
- * Scroll to bottom of page for complete schedule and details
- Includes Natural Vision Improvement Coach Certification
Greg Marsh, Instructor: Scroll Down for Complete Schedule
The Vision Coach Training Program tends to attract people with strong beliefs in natural healing. Participants are typically a mix of practitioners (we've even had four MD's!), people eager to become Natural Vision Coaches or add Vision Coaching to their mix, and others who just want to improve their own eyesight and help family members. In case you prefer to promote yourself as Natural Vision Teacher, the certification is for a "Natural Vision Teacher and Coach. We've added coaching techniques that can help a person to stay motivated and anticipate breakthroughs.
Vision Coach Training Grad Describes How the Training Builds Confidence and Skills
The "buddy coaching" we do with fellow students is much more than just an exercise. For most participants, buddy coaching brings a great opportunity to take a fresh look at their lives, and find more clarity about what they want to do (and "see") next. Clarity of purpose is a great metaphor for clarity of vision! After the buddy coaching sessions, you will be surprised at how confident and successful you will feel for the next step of the training, "practice clients".
Very First Vision Coach Training Grad (2008) Still Going Deeper into the Wonder of How We See
Greg is an engaging presenter who takes care to maintain a safe setting where people can have a rich mix of ideas and learn from each other. Each training group has a unique mix of expertise and knowledge. To learn from others in the class, we'll go a bit off the trail a bit sometimes. But we'll always return to the rich understanding we seek of the Bates Method and complementary approaches. Greg's teaching style is fun and unhurried, yet we'll cover a lot and end classes on time.
Vision Coach Training Grad describes the mind-body experience and the disappearance of various aches and pains
The core of what we will learn and explore together is the Bates Method of improving eyesight through relaxation, movement, and awareness. The Vision Coach Training will include other tools including basic EFT "tapping", guided visualization, and a simple coaching approach to support people who are improving their eyesight with natural approaches.
Vision Coach Grad Describes her Insight of seeing and going toward What You Want
Some people are doubtful about EFT at first. "It didn't work for me." You certainly don't have to include EFT in your personal "toolbox", but most participants usually have surprising success with it as another way to dissolve tight muscles and tight thoughts that can hold back eyesight. Guided visualization is likewise more simple and more powerful than you might expect. And, we use a powerful uncomplicated coaching approach to help us tune in to what clients really want and need.
Vision Coach Training Grad Describes her Unique Background & Approach
(13:20 min. and 16 min. describe Vision Coach Training)
We will meet on Zoom. Although we have in the past had our first week of each training in person, we have adapted to the new reality of Zoom. Greg has been using platforms like Webex and Zoom for several years, and is amazed at how well a thoughtful group of humans can "connect" on video. Also, we make good use of Zoom's "breakout rooms" in smaller groups, so everyone gets to speak and share more.
If you have questions please feel free to call at +1 970-391-7957, or we can set up a zoom meeting. I promise it is not my mission to sell you on taking the Training. The aim is to help you find out if the Training feels like a "fit" for you. -- Greg Marsh
Schedule -- Vision Coach Training Feb 1 - Jul 26, 2023
All live classes will be on Wednesdays
Europe-friendly class times: latest class ends at 7:30 pm CET
- Live Zoom classes Wednesdays, Feb 1 - July 26
- No class - Mar 29 and May 31 - skip these weeks
- Take up to 3 more months (thru October) to complete your supported practice client sessions
- We have an active group of Vision Coach grads who meet for a monthly check-in and weekly sessions to practice techniques together
Class Schedule
Start time -- same every week:
7am PST / 8am MST / 9am CST / 10am EST / 4pm CET
Includes Bates activities and short break to avoid staring
Segment 1
Feb 1 thru Mar 22, 3.5-hour zoom classes.
No Class Mar 29 -
Segment 2
Apr 6 thru May 24, 3.5-hour zoom classes.
No Class May 31 -
Segment 3
Jun 7 thru Jul 26, 2-hour zoom classes.
Finish practice Natural Vision Coaching sessions
Start time -- same every week:
- All classes will be recorded. Attend every class if possible for optimal hands-on training. It is okay to miss up to 4 classes but please watch videos.
- Overall program is approximately 6 months. All participants are encouraged to complete all practice coaching within that timeframe.
- Optional/Ongoing -- Monthly "Vision Coach Check-in Meetings. All grads are invited to this free monthly Zoom meeting. Get to know folks from previous trainings, share stories and keep yourself inspired to be a successful Natural Vision Improvement Coach.
- Feel free to contact Greg Marsh for questions or help before, during, or after the training.
We aim for a just-right learning mix of live video classes, online self-learning modules, "buddy coaching" with classmates, and practice coaching with actual clients. Outcomes to expect:
- Learn principles and techniques of the amazing Bates Method
- Books, videos, audios, pdf's -- We have 6 months to read, watch, listen, and practice between classes with many resources. Where possible we'll point out alternatives to align with your personal learning style. As much as possible we want to experience, feel, and see the basic principles through the techniques.
- Become familiar with EFT “tapping” and guided visualization
- Get experience and confidence with online video coaching
Focus on your preferred demographics - children, teens, adults, seniors, etc.
- Give and receive powerful buddy coaching with your classmates. For most participants the Vision Coach Training becomes a powerful time to clarify what they want at this point in their lives, and to start making those shifts.
Gain further confidence with 15 practice client sessions
You can exchange sessions for an intro class, etc. - Receive CEU’s if you need them for other certifications
- Become certified as a Natural Vision Improvement Coach
- Stay involved with monthly Vision Coach Check-in's. Optional, free, led by Greg.
Ongoing practice with other vision coaches. A free, short, informal, and supportive weekly class is currently offered by and for Vision Coach grads.